Now on TuneIn - You can listen to ANTIC on your Echo Dot or Mytek’s 1088XLD project - Thread on AA:.The Atari 8-bit computers by Kendallsoft - Ītari news web site: by Steve Boswell (Mr Robot, on XL/XE -=Space Fortress Omega=- Jason Kendall - įortress Omega is a great new vertically scrolling shoot 'em up for Season of gameplay on AtariAge - 8-bit High Score Club Season 16. Philip Bouchard - MECC, The Oregon Trail.Charlie Kulas’ Leafer Madness - code and discussion.The hub wasĭesigned by Jan Křupka, he came 5th in the ABBUC hardware contest Kevin’s twitter thread about Atari Pascalīoswell (Mr Robot, on twitter) MultiJoy8.Computer Animation Primer by David Fox.School Gamer - Bill Lange Star Raiders Article. Of (M)usic (A)nd (G)ames -National Harbor, MD near Washington MagFest: A four day/24 hours a day celebration.News fit to print, and more shows coming in 2019 than you can shakeĮast XIII - Bill Lange - Atari 8 Bit Maintenance and Guest, and he has lots of Atari Pascal news we have all the Atari Atari 8-bit Computer Podcast: Bill Lange joins us as a special